Chinese sks serial number identification
Chinese sks serial number identification

chinese sks serial number identification

The rough in 25 meter firing 0.97 inch high strike with the 200 meter elevation mark is less accurate than an actual 200 meter firing range but is a good start if you can't sight in at rifle range. The most prudent thing to do would be to sight in with the 200 meter range mark, even if you have to do it with a 4.4 in high firing at 100 meters.At short range, the SKS can work for hunting game and is certainly a fun, inexpensive, general purpose carbine.For hunters, the SKS will serve as a fine substitute for the 30-30 as a deer rifle.The SKS was developed to be a military weapon and it's accuracy, in the hands of a competent marksman who can estimate range, is sufficient for combat out to the traditional maximum effective range for infantry rifles with human sized targets.It must be practiced and refreshed regularly. Range estimation, without range finding equipment, is one of the most challenging skills for a marksman to learn.Some component of the errors with respect to the calculated mechanical AOD are measurement errors on my part.The sight range marks are more accurate for the 122-124 grain projectiles than for the larger 154 grain projectile.The mechanical sights are less than perfect and range marks out to 900 are more for show then go but within its useful range, useful. I started the project to determine the accuracy of the range come-ups on the rear sight and the effect of changing ammo.2: Sight Adjustment Error For Different Rounds YdsĪrmed with knowledge of the errors to compensate with your biggest problem will be range estimation and marksmanship skills. These included the Typ 56 SKS or the Chinese Military SKS. The Chinese SKS rifle began in Russian factories during the fifties and sixties. the rule of thumb for chinese SKS is that if the serial number is 7 digits, the first digit is the amount of years since 1956, in your case 2, so your chinese SKS should be a 1958 production. So far, two general types of Norinco SKS rifles came from China. Read More Head over to our website to find what youre looking for. The challenge is this: the countries that received these rifles from China didn’t have most of the documents with the production details. The difference between the angle of departure for a given round and for the sight adjustment on the rifle is the sight adjustment error. The Chinese marked each rifle with a factory symbol stamp along with an SKS 4-digit serial number. Sight Adjustment Errors with different RoundsBallistic tables can be quite rich in information (example at understanding-your-rifle-scope and External Ballistics Calculators but for our purpose here, we care about the angle of departure. It should be close enough to answer the question about the relationship of the sights to ammunition with different ballistic characteristics. Note: The accuracy of the data in Table 1 is subject to the limitations of my ability to measure the distances shown and there is certainly some error.

Chinese sks serial number identification